
Facelift Atlanta

Facelift Surgery

The facial profile is among one of the first areas of the body to show physical signs of aging. Facelift surgery in Atlanta allows patients to achieve a rejuvenated facial appearance by combatting common signs of facial aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, lax skin, loss of volume, and more. During facelift surgery, our team of talented facial plastic surgeons will address your specific cosmetic concerns to provide a natural, youthful look. At Astra Plastic Surgery, we offer facelift surgery for patients looking to restore a youthful appearance.

What Is A Facelift?

As you age, your face loses volume and elasticity, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, sagging cheeks, jowls. Besides the natural aging process, stress, sun damage, gravity, environmental factors, and even genetics can accentuate the effects of facial aging. Thanks to modern technology and advanced surgical techniques, there are many facelift options available that can rejuvenate and restore youthfulness to your facial profile. Although a facelift cannot stop the aging process entirely, it can significantly reduce a variety of signs of facial aging. It is important to note that the goal of facelift surgery is to look as natural as possible while targeting problem areas. Even the most subtle of changes can make a difference when turning back the clock on aging.

During the procedure, the skin is gently lifted and re-positioned. Then, any excess skin and fat is trimmed away. Facelift surgery also tightens and repositions the underlying muscles and deep connective tissues (known as the subcutaneous muscular aponeurotic system—SMAS) and the platysma neck muscle. Facelift surgery can be combined with additional facial plastic surgery procedures, including a brow lift, neck lift, rhinoplasty, or eyelid surgery to further refresh your facial profile. Our facial plastic surgeons pride themselves on creating patient-tailored treatment plans to offer the best possible results based on the needs of each individual.

What Are The Benefits Of A Facelift?

Facelift in Atlanta offers many benefits for patients seeking to restore their confidence after experiencing the physical effects of aging. By tightening the facial skin and targeting the muscles below the surface, a facelift can smooth out wrinkles, reduce the appearance of jowls, tighten the jawline, and more. While many minimally and non-invasive procedures are currently available to combat signs of facial aging, facelift surgery can address the most severe or stubborn signs of facial aging, such as sagging skin and jowls. The benefits of facelift surgery are long-lasting and natural-looking.



Facelift Atlanta GA
Atlanta GA Facelift

Am I An Ideal Candidate For A Facelift?

Each facelift procedure is highly individualized. During your consultation, our Atlanta facelift surgeons will examine your skin’s elasticity, underlying muscle tone, and bone structure to determine if face lift surgery is right for you. The ideal candidate is in good general health and a non-smoker. If you struggle with common signs of facial aging and minimally invasive or non-surgical treatment are no longer enough, face lift may be right for you. While some patients can benefit from minimally invasive and non-surgical facial rejuvenation, results are often not as long lasting and can only target less severe signs of aging. It is important that patients maintain realistic expectations for the results of their procedure.

After evaluating your medical history and current health, you will be encouraged to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have before Dr. Killingsworth and his plastic surgery team recommend a personal treatment plan to meet your specific needs. We will also discuss common skin care add-ons for improved skin tone and texture.

What Are My Facelift Options?

Our Atlanta face lift surgeons are experienced in the most advanced techniques for facelift surgery. Some patients are concerned with looking over-done following their facelift. Our surgeons evaluate your facial anatomy and discuss your concerns and goals to determine the best facelift option for you.

Traditional Facelift:

A traditional facelift targets the lower face and neck. This facelift technique involves an incision in the hairline that starts above the ear, continues around the ear, and ends behind the ear. Through this incision, our facelift surgeons will extract skin from underlying fat and muscle and use sutures to lift the SMAS muscle layer toward the ears. This muscle tightening can provide longevity to your facelift results. Excess skin is also removed during a traditional facelift.

Deep Plane Facelift:

The deep plane facelift is a modified version of a traditional facelift. During this method, the deeper planes of the face are targeted to lift and reposition the muscle. Your face lift surgeon will also separate certain muscle layers from deeper facial structures to better address drooping skin. The deep plane facelift can achieve substantial results, but this technique also has a higher risk of injury to facial nerves.

Subperiosteal Facelift:

The subperiosteal facelift is performed at the very deepest layers of your facial structure. Named after the area directly above the facial bones, a subperiosteal facelift is more extensive than a traditional facelift or deep plane facelift.

Mid Facelift:

A mid facelift can target the cheeks to reduce the prominence of nasolabial folds. During a mid facelift, your facial plastic surgeon can treat sagging skin to accentuate cheek contours. The mid facelift is often a good alternative for patients looking to address the earliest signs of aging around the cheeks, nose, and upper lip.

Mini Facelift:

The mini facelift is a less invasive procedure that utilizes smaller incisions and can result in less healing time than a traditional facelift. Younger patients who have good skin elasticity may be ideal candidates for a mini facelift.

Short Scar Facelift:

There are various short scar facelift techniques that can accentuate facial contours. The S-Lift is a type of mini facelift that has been modified so that the incision is in an “S” shape named after Dr. Zia Saylan (the inventor’s last name).

This incision does not extend behind the ear. The S-Lift is ideal for patients with mild looseness of the jawline. This method can result in less downtime than a traditional facelift. The MACS Lift (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift) and the Quick Lift are two versions of the S-Lift. These procedures are designed to treat mild skin laxity and can result in more downtime than the S-Lift. A short scar facelift may be ideal for patients in their forties or fifties who have moderate amounts of excess skin, but do not want to undergo a more invasive type of facelift.

Temporal Facelift:

The temporal facelift is designed to address the eyebrow area. During your temporal facelift, your facelift surgeon will lift sagging skin on the sides of your brows. This facelift technique is ideal for patients who have moderate drooping around the eyebrows.

Endoscopic Facelift:

The endoscopic facelift technique uses innovative technology to help guide your surgery. During this procedure, an endoscope is used to transmit images of your facial structure from under the skin. A tiny camera is attached to a small probe and inserted beneath the skin, helping visualize the underlying facial tissues being treated.

What Can I Expect During Facelift Surgery In Atlanta?

Depending on the facelift method that is best suited for you, the specifics of the procedure may differ. First, you will be administered anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure. Anesthesia options are dependent on the facelift technique that is deemed best fit to meet your specific needs. However, most facelift procedures are performed under general anesthesia.

Next, your facial plastic surgeon will make a small incision from which the skin can be tightened and lifted. During traditional facelift surgery, the incision is typically placed within the hairline and along the natural contours of the face and ears to avoid any significant scarring. For patients opting to combine facelift and neck lift surgery, and additional incision may be made under the chin. After the skin is lifted and re-positioned, the incisions will be closed and the recovery process can begin. Facelift procedure times will vary from patient to patient depending on the chosen method and the degree of facial aging, but can take up to 6 hours to complete.

What Can I Expect After Facelift Surgery In Atlanta?

After facelift surgery, the healing process is gradual and varies from patient to patient. As you continue to heal, your results will become more prominent. In some cases, patients may not see the full results of their facelift until up to 6 months following the surgery. Patients should keep their head in an elevated position and refrain from vigorous exercise while healing.

Immediately after facelift surgery, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. However, these symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications and plenty of rest. Following the procedure, Dr. Killingsworth and his plastic surgery team will provide you will specific post-operative instructions. It is important that patients follow these instructions carefully to expedite the healing process and achieve maximum results. Some patients may return home with a drain in place to expedite the healing process.

What Results Can I Expect From Facelift?

Following your face lift, it can take up to 6 months to see the full results. However, some results will be immediately noticeable. Facelift surgery can provide patients with a more youthful and well-rested appearance that will stand the test of time. In order to maximize your facelift results, it is recommended that patients use sun protection daily and continue a healthy lifestyle.

During your consultation for a facelift, Dr. Killingsworth and his plastic surgery team will give you further information on what results to expect. This depends on the current condition of your skin, age, chosen facelift method, and more. Click the button below to see facelift before and after photos from real patients.

How Much Does A Facelift In Atlanta Cost?

The cost of a facelift in Atlanta is based upon the technique that is recommended by our facelift surgeons, as well as the personal cosmetic needs of the patient. After your consultation for a facelift Atlanta plastic surgeon, Dr. Killingsworth will provide you with a detailed cost of your facelift procedure. We accept cash, personal check, major credit cards, CareCredit®, and Alphaeon® Credit financing.

Facelift Surgery Atlanta
Facelift Surgery Atlanta

How Do I Get Started With
Facelift Surgery In Atlanta?

Dr. Christopher Killingsworth and his staff of plastic surgery professionals would be happy to help you set up a personal consultation to discuss facelift surgery in Atlanta in more detail. Contact our Atlanta office at 678.367.3678, our Cumming, GA office at 678.586.4345, our Marietta, GA office at 678.367.4137, our Alpharetta, GA office at 678.647.6311, or request an appointment online today.

Create The Look You've Always
Wanted For Yourself!

At Astra Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, we believe plastic surgery can achieve transformative yet subtle results that accentuate your natural beauty. Whether you opt for surgical treatments or non-invasive procedures, your plastic surgeon should possess a thorough understanding of your individual anatomy and goals to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Schedule a consultation today to learn how Astra Plastic Surgery can empower you to take control of your look.

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