Nose Surgery
Rhinoplasty can restore balance to your facial profile by improving nose proportions and correcting asymmetries. Rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly requested facial rejuvenation procedures due to its ability to address a wide range of cosmetic and nasal function concerns. Undergoing rhinoplasty can restore a sense of confidence in one’s facial profile. Atlanta plastic surgeon, Dr. Killingsworth, and his surgical team have years of experience performing rhinoplasty in Atlanta.
What Is Rhinoplasty?
Nose surgery was one of the first facial aesthetic operations ever performed and today it is among the most frequent facial plastic surgeries. At Astra Plastic Surgery, we offer rhinoplasty surgery to patients to give them not only a new appearance, but also a new outlook on life.
Rhinoplasty can improve the appearance and proportion of the nose so that it is balanced with your facial features. Sometimes referred to as nose reshaping or a nose job, rhinoplasty is one of the most technically challenging facial operations due to the difficulty of removing, adding, rearranging, and / or reshaping cartilage and bone without compromising the function of the nose. Some of the common cosmetic reasons a person seeks rhinoplasty surgery include correcting size and proportions, improving depressions or dorsum humps, balancing out asymmetries, modifying a droopy nose tip, widening a flat nasal bridge, and enhancing ethnic identity.
Some people do not give the appearance of their nose a second thought, but for countless others, the nose can be a cosmetic concern. Genetics, accidents, injuries, illnesses, functional deformities, and aging can all affect the look of your nose. As you get older, your nose tends to elongate, with the skin becoming thicker and less elastic. This loss of support occurs on the lower one-third of the nose, causing the tip mechanisms to weaken, which can lead to a dorsal hump, decreased tip projection, a longer nose, and tip ptosis (sagging). Other common imperfections include noses that are too short, large, crooked, wide, narrow, bumpy, flat, or droopy, while some nasal profiles tilt up to such an extent that their shape is referred to as a “ski-slope” nose. Rhinoplasty in Atlanta can correct a multitude of cosmetic and functional concerns.
What Are The Benefits Of Rhinoplasty In Atlanta?
While many rhinoplasty patients want to improve the genetic aspects of their nose, rhinoplasty can also correct functional issues, such as limited nasal airflow resulting from abnormal nasal structures and breathing difficulties due to a deviated septum. Made of cartilage and bone, the septum is the wall between your two nostrils dividing the nasal cavity into halves; the ideal nasal septum is straight, while a deviated septum occurs when the septum shifts away from the midline, affecting nasal breathing.
Another breathing issue occurs when one or both sides of your nose collapse inward when you breathe. This condition is called nasal valve collapse or nasal vestibular stenosis. Both of these conditions can be corrected during your rhinoplasty. Reconstructive rhinoplasty is another type of nose surgery performed to correct a severe deformity of the nose that is related to injury, trauma, or cancer. Revision (secondary) rhinoplasty corrects a previous rhinoplasty that, in many cases, involves the replacement of large amounts of cartilage removed during the first procedure.