February 22, 2024

Winter Skincare Tips for Post-Surgery Recovery

By: Dr. Christopher Killingsworth

There are many reasons why winter is a great time to schedule plastic surgery. Cooler temperatures mean you’re more likely to be covered up, and calendars tend to clear after the holidays, giving you a clear schedule for rest and recovery.  

To help your body along with the healing process, here are a few things you can do to promote skincare recovery after plastic surgery this winter. 

Continue to Hydrate 

We tend to notice thirst more in the warmer weather when we’re sweating a lot, but it’s critical to stay hydrated when the temperature drops, too. This is especially true if you’ve recently had surgery. Many procedures require you to abstain from drinking water for a short period of time beforehand, and water is often withheld immediately after general anesthesia procedures to reduce the risk of nausea. While these measures can help you avoid unpleasant side effects, you’ll want to replenish hydration as soon as you can to kickstart the healing process.  

Your body also needs ample fluids for tissue repair, so continue to drink lots of water as you recover. As a reminder, most adults need between 70 and 100 ounces of water per day to stay well hydrated. 

Care for Incisions 

Different types of procedures will call for different aftercare at the surgical sites. If you’ve had liposuction, for instance, you may have small drains inserted to remove excess healing fluid your body naturally produces after the procedure.  

Astra Plastic Surgery will provide detailed aftercare instructions that you can refer back to regardless of the procedure you undergo, but in general, the golden rule following any type of surgery is to keep your incisions clean. Since you’ll likely be bundled up in the winter, be mindful to avoid any clothing that could shed or snag, and continue applying clean bandages as directed to prevent fibers from entering your incisions. 

Cozy Up with Compression 

Pressure garments may not be your favored fashion piece this winter, but they play an important role in skincare after plastic surgery procedures like tummy tucks and liposuction.  

These garments can promote circulation, prevent fluid buildup, and enhance contouring to achieve desirable results. They’re meant to feel snug, and you may find that your movement is restricted a bit while wearing them, but remember that you’ll need to take it easy during the recovery period anyhow. Again, Astra will give you detailed instructions for wear, but don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions as you heal.   

Scale Back on Skincare 

Winter is typically the time of year when your skin care regimen might need a bit of an upgrade, especially since cold temperatures and dry weather can take their toll on sensitive facial skin. But if you’ve had a face lift or any other facial procedure, now isn’t the time to load up on products or treatments. Less is more when it comes to your recovery, so focus your energy solely on incision care and rest. Before long, the swelling and bruising will diminish to reveal the beautiful results of your procedure — which will far surpass the results any cream or serum could achieve!  

Schedule Your Plastic Surgery Procedures With Astra Plastic Surgery 

If you’re considering plastic surgery this winter, allow Astra Plastic Surgery to help achieve your goals. From body sculpting to facial rejuvenation, our surgeons can transform your look so you feel your best by spring. Discuss your vision during a free consult, which you can request using our online form or by calling (678) 990-3551.